Life Changing Stories Press

About Us

Life Changing Stories Press was founded in 2020 by award-winning author Nancy Sprowell Geise in Topeka, Kansas. The mission of Life Changing Stories Press is to bring stories to the world of people who have faced extraordinary challenges and found a way to not only survive, but thrive.

Life Changing Stories Press believes in the power of stories to change lives through examples of perseverance, faith and overcoming the unimaginable. 

In 2007, during a chance meeting of Nancy with Holocaust survivor Joe Rubinstein at a retirement community in Fort Collins, Colorado where Nancy was working, Joe explained that for nearly 70 years he never shared his life experiences because he did not believe anything good could come from doing so. Five years later, Joe changed his mind and he agreed to share his remarkable story of hope with Nancy because he wanted his family to know what he went through. He said that he did not know how to tell them. After hearing a little of his story, Nancy said, “Joe, this is a story the world needs to hear.” Joe agreed and Nancy spent the next two years interviewing Joe. 

The book about his life, Auschwitz #34207 - The Joe Rubinstein Story, went on to become a best-selling, award-winning book, with people from around the world writing to tell Joe of the ways his story has impacted and changed their lives. 

In 2017, Nancy and her husband asked roofer Jim Dultmeier to give them a bid for a new roof. During their meeting, Jim shared that his 19-year-old daughter, Jennifer, had perished in 2002, in a drunk driving accident. The driver had been Jennifer’s best friend since their childhood. Jim and his wife had kept journals of their years long grief journey. Jim asked if Nancy would read their journals. After doing so, Nancy recognized, as did Jim and Lori, the impact their stories could have on saving lives and helping others dealing with profound grief. Nancy agreed to write a book about their experiences using their journals as the basis. In January 2021, On Shattered Wings was published by Life Changing Stories Press.

The experiences with Joe Rubinstein, and Jim and Lori Dultmeier, inspired Nancy to create Life Changing Stories Press with the goal of bringing other stories of hope to the world.

Also by Author Nancy Sprowell Geise:

Auschwitz #34207 - The Joe Rubinstein Story

Publisher: Merry Dissonance Press (2015)

Publisher/German Version: Fontis Verlag (2019)

Audiobook: Richard Rieman (2016) Producer/Narrator

FrontcoverWithAwardandCopyright copy.jpg

Auschwitz #34207

The Joe Rubinstein Story

Published by Merry Dissonance Press (2015)